Monday, October 10, 2011

Pulling up

Hudson can now pull himself up to anything and everything; and he is so proud of himself! Makes me a little nervous. He has already pulled a couple of things on top of himself, like the blow dryer and a stool. I guess it is all part of learning. Whenever he wakes up from a nap he is standing in his crib. This includes crying in the middle of the night.
He is getting lots of BLONDE hair! We now have one of each: blonde, brunette, and two red heads. I don't think his hair will stay blonde forever, but we are enjoying it for now! He still has two little teeth and "drips", as Reagan calls it, like he should be getting a mouthful but we haven't seen any yet. Hopefully soon so he will get back to his really good sleeping pattern that he abandoned about 7 weeks ago!
He loves to jabber and talk. He is quick to giggle, especially when he is getting dressed. We just love the little guy. It is fun to watch him grow, even if it is faster than we can stand it!

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