Monday, September 26, 2011


Yesterday the three older kids earned a dollar from Grandma Lake for cleaning up the play room (yes, they were working on the Sabbath...can you believe it?!). Today I was thinking that we need to teach them about tithing, since this was some of the first money they had earned.
We had family home evening. I think it is a natural reaction for kids to resist FHE. Anyway...that is a different story. So I taught a little lesson about tithing using an example of if we were pear farmers and we grew ten pears. Out of the ten we would give the one of the pears to the Lord. We do this by giving it to the bishop. Then I showed them with ten dimes that they give one to the bishop for tithing. It went great. The boys really caught on quick and had no problem giving up one dime.
Fast forward to bed time. All the kids were in bed and Brent and I decided to try the pears out. The boys woke up and came to get a snack of their own. As I was finishing my pear Corbin looked up at me with worried look and said, "Mom, why did you eat the pear that we are giving to the bishop?" It was so cute. I explained why we weren't actually giving the pear to the bishop and smiled inside that something had finally sunk in.

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