Friday, September 16, 2011

Punt, Pass, and Kick

Wednesday was a much anticipated day around our house. First it was a half day at school so that is always exciting. After school was the annual punt, pass, and kick contest. The paper Bridger brought home said for ages six to 15 or something. We called and they said that Bridger could participate, just not win. Because if he won he couldn't move know, the age thing. He was so excited when he found out.
We got there early enough for him to practice and then lots of his little friends showed up too. I think they had fun. Bridger did pretty good hanging with the 6 and 7 yr olds. He can't wait until next year when he really can compete. We got out of there just as those dark clouds started to really dump some rain...for the next 3 or so hours!

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