Friday, September 16, 2011

Harvest time

I had some help shucking (is that the word) the ears. Football helmets were optional this year.

All three of them at an entire ear of corn raw. They loved the stuff.

This year, so far, we have harvested raspberries, corn, and tomatoes. I only have pictures of the corn. I did raspberries in August. They are my favorite. The tomatoes were this week and oh so messy. We bought a juicer attachment for the Kitchen-aid and it was so fun to use. Up next is peach pie filling and then I am done for the year.

Also, my dad brought over some wood that he so kindly cut for us. The boys had to be convinced to help haul it to the wood pile. Ok, I did too. I hated hauling wood as a child and not much has changed! Once the boys got in the back of the truck they had a blast throwing it into the wheelbarrow.

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