Monday, August 29, 2011


First day of kindergarten

Corbin wanted in on the photo-taking action

lining up to go inside

doesn't he look so cute with his backpack?

And so it begins. Our lives with a schedule. I know every parent says it, but really, I can't believe he is in kindergarten!

This morning he was a little bit apprehensive. Lets be honest, who isn't on the first day of school? He put on a brave face and we headed out the door. He did think that maybe they couldn't have school because some fog rolled in just as we were getting ready to head out the door. We walked the 1/2 block to the school and he took off for the playground. There are lots of kids his age that he knows from primary and pre-school so he was perfectly happy playing. I stuck around anyway just because that is what you do on the first day, right?!
His teacher is Mrs. Thornton. She is so sweet, patient,and kind, just like a kindergarten teacher should be!
Corbin came with me to pick him up and he said he had a good day and will go back tomorrow. Slowly but surely we got most of the details about the day out of him. They went over rules, had three recesses, he might have cried a little bit on the way to art, talked about numbers and letters, read a story about hearts and hands, and that is all I remember. We are so excited for this year. So many new and exciting things happening.

Corbin was missing his friend. All day he kept asking where Bridger was. At one point he told Brent that Bridger was taking a long time to get home. This is going to take some getting used to on everyone's part!

Tonight after prayers Bridger decided that he would like a father's blessing, or prayer, as he calls it, tomorrow before school. Last night and this morning he was adamant that he wasn't going to have one. I guess he thought that maybe a little extra help wouldn't be so bad after all!

While Brent was telling him good night Bridger said something about going back. Brent told him he has to go everyday except the weekend. Bridger replied with, "well yeah, I will go all the months except, like, January and February, right?!" Wouldn't that be nice? Take a little break in the middle of winter! Sorry buddy, you're in it for the long haul.


Christy said...

I am so impressed with Bridger. He is the cutest kid ever and I tried to bring him home with me but he didn't want to come. Sad for me. I can't believe he can already read, speak Spanish, and spell his name. We tried to teach him a few things this past weekend but he is such a good kid he just looked at us like we were crazy.

Triplehaz said...

Where does the time go? He is so cute Collette! All grown up, ready for school. Kindergarten was really hard, I have to admit. Harder on me than them. I was hoping 1st grade would be easier...but its not. LOL It is fun to watch them grow though!
P.S. I love your redheaded kids. I am so jealous!:)