Sunday, August 28, 2011


The day started with donuts for breakfast with a side of presents. We thought it would be fun to spread the birthday love throughout the day. So he got to open a present or two at breakfast.

After breakfast we jetted off to swimming lessons while Brent decorated and set up for the party in the afternoon. Swimming lessons were especially important on his birthday because it was test day! We weren't sure if he would pass because he refused to "bob" under the water. Well, he mustered up some courage and "bobbed" eight times for his teacher and life guard. HE PASSED! We were all so excited. Probably the best birthday present of the day!

The Party
This was his first friends party. We invited some cousins, neighbors, and primary friends. Bridger requested a carnival party so we did our best. We might have had a little bit more fun planning it than the kids did participating!

The activities from top left: knock the cans over with a baseball, shoot the ping-pong ball off the styrofoam block with squirt guns, ring the water, snow cones and popcorn, football toss, musical chairs. The party was 2 1/2 hours long (due to my mispring on the invitations) so we had to do some serious entertaining! I hope all the kids had fun and were sent home with a sufficient sugar high. We played games, had treats, opened presents, had some cake, played some more, went home. It was super hot and they were all tired by the end. Success!!

Later in the evening we had the grandparents and local cousins over for some more cake, ice cream, snow cones, and popcorn, with some present opening thrown in there too!

the party crowd!

I think he had a great birthday. He can now officially go to kindergarten since he is 5!
Bridger at 5:
Loves sports...especially football. It borders on an obsession
learning to ride his bike
Has a kind heart.
A little smart for his own good.
Wants to know how and why about everything
Not afraid to ask what something means.
Takes good care of his brothers and sister
Says the best prayers

We love our not-so-little guy. Five years have flown by. We are so excited to see how he learns and grows in kindergarten. Tomorrow is the first day!!

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