Sunday, August 28, 2011

6 months!

We just love this little boy.
It is hard to believe that he is already half a year old. It seems like all of a sudden he is growing, physically and mentally!
Some of the milestones are:
  • Sitting up for quite a bit on his own
  • Eating all sorts of stuff like a champ
  • Holds his own bottle
  • He has mastered the army crawl and gets up on all fours regularly. Luckily he hasn't moved on all fours yet!
  • Takes pretty regular naps
  • Spent 4 days away from Mom and Dad. That is the earliest any of our kids have been away from us.
  • plays with his toys for extended periods of time.
  • tells great stories in his own little language
  • finally cut two bottom teeth. He is a much happier little guy without those bothering him!
We can't wait to see what kind of personality really comes out in the next six months!

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