Thursday, July 14, 2011

Life, liberty, and the pursuit

We enjoyed our fourth.The original plan didn't include fireworks but when you live in Wyoming and your cousins work at one of the biggest fireworks stores around and you get a pretty good deal...somehow fireworks become THE plan! Wow, that was a run on sentence.
We had a barbeque and then watched the city fireworks. I think I've mentioned Evanston's show before. Unlike anything I've ever seen. Not the city fireworks, but the people who do their own shows. I cannot believe the money that goes up in smoke that night. Anyway...after city fireworks we put on our own show. Yup, burned our own money right up. The big boys (and Vicki) all had fun lighting them for our enjoyment. The kids lost interest long before the adults did. I am happy to report that we didn't burn our house or the neighbor's houses down and no one was injured.

1 comment:

Amanda and Kalon Downing said...

Collett, You have the cutest little family. THe little girl of yours is a doll. I know mine is a little spit first. I guess they have to be in these later days:) Glad you had a good fourth. We still need to meet for lunch or at a park. Lets do it!