Thursday, June 16, 2011


it has begun.
Bridger is playing soccer this summer and LOVING it. He is totally in his element. It is much more fun for him to play with kids his age than with his siblings. He tries to be agressive and has scored goals in both of his games. He has the dates of his games memorized and will ask people if he is coming to his game on (insert the date here). He has a great coach and such a cute little team. There are only six of them but they all seem to be good friends already. It isn't nearly as painful to watch as we thought it might be. I guess that is what happens when it is your own kid out there playing, not someone elses! Fun times.

This picture was too cute not to share. Reagan loves sitting right by Bridger when he is out of the game. He doesn't mind her hanging around either.

1 comment:

Kasi French said...

That picture is adorable! You have four kids ~ WOW!!