Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our little graduate

Last December Bridger let us know that he fully intended on going to kindergarten when he was five. He was not about to wait until he was six. We figured we had better get him in pre-school to see if he was even ready for such a big step. I was planning on having an extra year with him at home.
The local pre-school is called Buttons and Bows. It is run by a lady in our ward and she luckily still had some spots for the new semester (for lack of a better word). He has gone twice a week for two and a half hours for the past four months. I think he has enjoyed it.
Yesterday was "graduation." Kind of funny if you ask me. They sang songs and said their little poems that they have been working on. Then they all go change into their cap and gowns. They marched across the stage to the pomp and circumstance song. After they were all seated their teachers gave each kid a special award. Bridger's was that he knows all his upper and lower case letters. Some of the other awards were: shares well, loves story time/ singing time, most energetic student, etc.
For some reason Bridger turned super shy before, during, and after the program. This is the kid who has no problem getting up in Sacrament meeting to bare his testimony. I don't know what his deal was. It was painful for him to get his picture taken. Luckily I was able to snap a couple of them for posterity's sake!!

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