Tuesday, April 05, 2011

On to regular life

Random pictures of every day stuff at our house.

I think I can pretty much say that I am out of my post partum stage. Thank goodness! I feel like a human being again. I want to function. I have goals, dreams, desires...ok, a little dramatic but really, it feels good to be back among the regular world. I know that those weeks following a baby are normal but they always bug me. Then I get slightly jealous that other people don't seem to have them...Oh well. It doesn't matter. They are past us now.

Nothing really spectacular going on around here. Brent is on a long stretch working. Nine days in a row. He is making up for all the time he had off when Hudson was born. Luckily only a 3 days left and then he is off for a few days. It hasn't been that bad because my parents took the three older kids for the weekend. They are saints. If you knew Reagan's real little personality you would understand. She doesn't stop and she is a little on the demanding side. They still take her, bless their hearts! It was a nice break for me and I didn't really know what to do with myself. So, I just kind of took it easy. I did a whole lot of nothing. It was nice!

Bridger starts his pre-kindergarten classes tonight. The school has three weeks of after-school classes for the kids coming into kindergarten. They are two days a week for an hour. Bridger is excited. I hope that there are some kids he knows so it is fun for him. I can't believe he is going to kindergarten in the fall. Fun times ahead.

It is good to just have life back. I love the cleaning schedule, laundry schedule, shopping, running whatever other errands need run. Its is just good to be back.


Jami said...

I can sense the relief in your words! Glad you're back to normal... ha - whatever that is... less insane? ;) What a great feeling!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad for you too!! back to life is always a good thing :
love ya

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better. The postpartum stage is icky. I don't think I got super depressed, but I seriously did not feel human at all. When I finally felt that I was back in my own routine, it was terrific.

I'd love to sit and watch Reagan some time, I thoroughly enjoy children with spunk. :)
