Monday, April 25, 2011

Here comes Peter Cottontail...

The week began with a really quick, simple family home evening about the Resurrection. I actually remembered to teach my kids why we celebrate Easter...and they actually remembered what I said! When they were quizzed about it later in the week they said, "yeah, we know, its when you come back together again. Oh, and we get to see Grandpa Lake again."

Then it was on to the festivities.
We dyed eggs on Wednesday night because the boys headed for Cheyenne with my parents the next day. We only did 18 and everyone had fun. It was a quick, painless, fun activity. We might even try it again next year! They thought that eating them was gross though.

They were happy to see that the Easter Bunny made a stop at our house. Corbin was half awake when he came into the living room. He promptly climbed up on the couch to look out the window. I asked him what he was looking at and he said he was looking for the Easter bunny. I decided not to fight them on their candy. You want all candy for breakfast? Perfect. Have at it. I (because Brent was sleeping after working all night) let them eat until they were stuffed. Surprisingly they didn't eat as much as I thought they might!

Then it was off to church in their new outfits. They all looked so cute. Reagan kept saying "pitty?" She loves getting dressed up in her Sunday clothes. Getting all of them to look at me with a normal face is impossible. I am enjoying the crazy faces because lets be honest, that is what they really look like.

After church we had a yummy dinner with my parents. It was a great Easter!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

i know i've said it before but i would've loved to be a kid in your house it seems like it'd be so much fun! if only i can be like you when i grow up...