Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Growing boy

He is two months old these days.
Monday we (as in me and all 4 kids) took him to his well-child visit.
If that isn't fun, I don't know what is...

Weight: 10 lbs. 9 oz
Height: 22.5 inches
Shots: 3 and an oral vaccine.

He is doing great and growing like a little weed. I would mention that he is back to sleeping all night but then I would jinx myself again. So I won't mention it. His vaccines must have taken all of his energy. He slept most of the rest of the day and a good chunk of today. He is a smiley boy and learning to be very patient with everything that goes on around him. The doctor informed me that he is no longer a new born. Funny thing, I'm not sad about it. I am so excited to watch him grow and see his little personality develop.

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