Thursday, February 24, 2011

One week

Our little Hudson turned one week yesterday. Probably one of the fastest weeks of our lives. We took him to the Dr. on Tuesday and he was within one ounce of his birth weight (7lbs 9oz). He is such a good little guy. He is sleeping for chunks of time at night which is wonderful. I never thought that 2 1/2 to 3 hours of sleep would feel so good!

Here are some pictures from his first week of life.

We get this look a lot when we tel her not to touch can imagine how well that goes over!

There are plenty of helpers around here. We are so glad that they love him and want to help. It is fun to watch them talk to him and make sure his every need is met. You can also tell he is the youngest. We have had many more visitors that haven't had their pictures taken...and Bridger does come around him, just not when the camera is out (he was at pre-school when we took these yesterday).


Anonymous said...

SOO cute!! He looks like a little man already!!:) Wish I was closer so I could see you guys more.
love you all

Emily said...

Congrats Collette! He's so cute and little. I've already forgotten how tiny newborns are.

The Bebel's said...

He is so cute! i love the picture of all the boys together with grandma T. Miss Reagan is getting so big she is just too cute! Miss you guys!

Jeanna said...

Little Miss Reagan is cracking me up, hard core. I love that look!

Congrats again!! I was just telling my sister your crazy birth story--we are both so amazed by it.

Emily K. said...

Congratulations on making it a week with 4 kiddos! Your little Hudson is so great. The first picture he looks just like your dad to me.

Hope your taking care of yourself, and healing well.

Shae said...

he is SO SO handsome! he looks just like your other kids--i love it!

Jamie said...

He is so cute, makes me a little baby hungey! How is having four? I swear you are a supermom! Crazy that you, Jani, JamieLee and soon to be Sharla all have four! I am just a LITTLE behind! It is good to hear from you and hope that we can get together some time. I miss ya!