Monday, February 14, 2011

A new one

We've been wondering what this little guy is going to look like. For some reason I picture him like Corbin. Who knows. Wednesday the wondering will be over and we'll get to meet him!




In just two short days we will have a new little one in our family. Hard to believe. This pregnancy has been harder than the other three but hasn't drug on too much. We have procrastinated just about every aspect of getting ready for a baby. That leaves today and tomorrow to busy to think about what is to come. I'm excited and can't wait to meet the little guy. I think the kids are equally excited. It is fun to have the boys understand what is going on a little bit more than they have in the past. Unfortunately I think Reagan might be in for a rude awakening. Luckily she loves babies and I think she will enjoy taking care of him. Hopefully not hurting him!! She did bite Bridger randomly the other day. Worries me just a wee bit.


Tara Mogle said...

Good Luck!! New babies are so much fun...and so much work. Good thing you have 3 little "helpers" around the house. You are such a great mom, I'm sure 4 will be a piece of cake. Can't wait to see pictures!

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

I love that I will just be getting married and you are having your forth adorable child :) That means you'll be an excellent resource for sanity and ideas when I start having kids, haha. CONGRATS and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shae said...

oh man! when i saw the first picture...i thought it WAS your new one! lol good luck! so excited for you!!!