Sunday, January 16, 2011

Heat wave

What do you do when it gets above 10 degrees? Go outside and play in the snow of course! We have so much snow that hasn't been played in because it has been so stinking cold lately. Thursday it finally warmed up a little bit and I sent the boys out to play. They loved it. I love that they are old (and big) enough to play on their own. They stayed out there for over an hour entertaining themselves. I put some blue water in spray bottle and let them spray the snow. They thought it was genius. They only sprayed each other a few times. It was warm enough that they didn't even care when they got snow down their necks or in their mittens.

*I'm secretly hoping this is the beginning of a nice January thaw that will melt the majority of our snow. Could we be so lucky?!

1 comment:

Candy said...

hahaha, are you telling me that above 10 degrees is "warming up a little bit." Oh that cracks me up, and mostly because I know EXACTLY what you're talking about, and it must mean I've been out of WY too long. :) I hate the winters there. Seriously. It was in the 40s and raining all week here, what a rough winter huh? :)