Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sugar Cookies

We are quickly crossing things off of our "what we want to do during the Christmas season" list. Last night was sugar cookies. Bridger helped me mix the dough and then cut the cookies out while Corbin and Reagan took naps. After dinner we all sat down and decorated them. We kept thing simple with white frosting and jazzed them up with a variety of sprinkles. The boys had a blast and Reagan enjoyed cookie after cookie-it kept her from screaming. Sometimes I think things like this aren't worth the time and effort and then I see how much fun the kids have and it is ok to be super tired at the end of the night!

Some of the other things we've done that haven't been documented are:
  • bought presents for some of the "angels" on the angel tree
  • sat on Santa's lap
  • attended a Christmas concert
  • drove around town looking at lights
  • watched about every Christmas movie ever made
  • talked about the true meaning of Christmas
Having kids this time of year is really fun. They come up with the cutest things. A few that I don't want to forget are:
  • Corbin loves to sing Christmas songs. His favorite are Jingle bells and Frosty the snowman. He usually intertwines the words. In his version it isn't a one-horse-open-sleigh it is a oneersupersleigh. Did you get that? We didn't either. Last night a song with mistletoe in it came on and he insisted that is was "missin' toe". Funny kid.
  • Sunday in primary the counselor giving sharing time asked the kids what we do with presents at Christmas time. One little boy said, very sweetly, we give them to people. Bridger promptly raised his hand and blurted out "and we open them".
Only three days and the magic will be over for another year. Its been fun and we have really enjoyed this month with the kids.

1 comment:

Tara Mogle said...

Having little kids is so much fun especially for the holidays! Sounds like you guys are having tons of fun. I feel the same way about the cookies but in the end I was so glad we did it.

Merry Christmas!