Thursday, December 16, 2010

Happy anniversary to us!

For the first time ever we actually celebrated our anniversary with more than dinner.

We dropped the kids off at my parents house for their own little adventure. My dad agreed to watch them for us (since it was a Monday and Tuesday and my mom was working). He had all sorts of activities for them to do. He was kind enough to still take them even though he had kidney stones all day Sunday.
After we dropped them off we headed to Salt Lake to finish up our Christmas shopping. Following a little mishap with Trax (getting on the wrong train and waiting for the next one with some shady people) we went to dinner at the Garden on top of the Joseph Smith building. The view was awesome and we got to see the lights come on at Temple Square from the top.
Following dinner we went to see White Christmas at the Pioneer Theater. Such a good show.
The next morning we went to my doctor's appointment did a little bit more shopping and headed home.
It is so nice to get away. We love the kids but some stress-free days are always nice. I'm so glad that my kids love going to Mtn. View so leaving them isn't hard.
Seven years down...eternity to go! By far our best anniversary yet. We both commented, as we walked around without coats on, how it was a little different from our wedding day that was cold, wet, and blustery! I am a fan of mild Decembers.

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