Monday, September 27, 2010

Reagan at 11 months

She is busy to say the least. She loves to go, go, go and is happy most of the time. She keep up with her brothers. Lately she has been using her voice a lot more. I've noticed that she is getting the syllables to words down even if you don't know what she is saying. She is pretty clear about mom, dad, and bye. Other than that it is anyone's guess but she likes to talk...and yell.

She has some crazy hair. It is just like mine, super straight and pretty fine. It is a miracle if any sort of ponytail or barrette stays in for longer than 15 minutes. I've found that if I just put the ponies in she will leave them alone but she can't handle a bow or barrette. They bug her. Oh, and straight parts? Yeah right. She doesn't know how to hold still for a second while I'm doing her hair. If you see us around town most likely she will have some wild do's.

I'm telling you. Into everything. She loves to empty the cupboards. All of them. Its fun.

*We just got our camera back last week so we had to take lots of pictures of the kids...It had been about a month with no camera. Sad.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

i can't believe she is 11-months! which means she will be one next month! she is such a cutie! especially with her wild hair!