Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Cowboy Days

We headed over to the festivities at Cowboy Days on Saturday afternoon. Bridger heard that there was a fish catch and that the water would only be up to his knees and he was ready to go. My parents came over to see the excitement and I'm so glad they did. Mom watched Reagan and Dad helped with the boys. Corbin was not a fan of the fish swimming by his feet and immediately started screaming. The nice bull fighter caught one for Bridger and then made him touch it for a picture. It was funny. Then we walked around for a bit while my dad gutted the fish. They spotted the ice cream truck and of course needed a treat. Then they saw the mechanical bull...Grandma forked out the cash for them to ride it. Bridger wasn't so sure about it. He thought he was going to fall off. We've got a ways to go if we want a real bull rider in the family! Fun times.

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