Friday, August 27, 2010

A winner!

So you are all pretty smart...Paul might be the smartest...

Aunt Janet got all three numbers and their respective meanings right.

I guess it wasn't that tricky after all.

Baby #4 on the way.
Due date: February 23 (To be delivered sometime between Feb. 15-18)

Are we crazy? Probably.
Are we excited? Yes. It might have taken a day or two to be excited...but we're there.

I think I've mentioned it before but I can't stand the thought of being pregnant/taking care of an infant for years and years. I am happy that we are able to get them here fast. I'm still in baby mode and it isn't a huge adjustment when they come. There is a huge relief in my mind when I know that this is our last. Our lives will be crazy for the next couple of years but that's ok.


Jessica said...


Christy said...

That is wonderful news!! Congrats!! You are amazing.

Tara Mogle said...

ha, i just thought everyone was crazy for thinking you were pregnant again! you go....if we happen to decide we want four children we'll pop the last two out really close together as well. you guys are awesome and you make cute babies! our due dates are pretty close together too! (Feb 7th for us!)

Abbie said...

Congrats!! I was thinking about it this morning on my bike ride and no joke, was trying to find derivatives of the numbers, etc. I was being way too complex about the whole thing.

Amanda and Kalon Downing said...

Congratulations. I say get them all here while you are young. I planned on having four by 30, but it didn't happen. I am excited for you , your a great mom. Let me know if you need anything.

Emily K. said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Congratulations! You are such a great mom, and can totally handle it. Get 'em done, baby! You'll do awesome.

Jeanna said...

Yay!! Congrats to the Lake familia!!

Another beautiful baby in the fam!

Brittany said...

happy day! i want to be just like you when i grow up - one kid right after the other. i'm with you, i don't want to drag it out over several years. congratulations!

Kenna said...

Congratulations! You are such a cute mom. We need to have a play date :)