Thursday, May 13, 2010

Settling in

Our house is finally starting to feel like our home. It has only taken a few weeks. We have pictures on the walls, regular places of clutter, laundry has been done a few times, yeah, it feels like home. I need to remember to keep taking pictures of things that are going on.

The other night we had cowboy delight (it consists of twisty pasta, spaghetti sauce, sausage, cheddar and mozzerella cheese, gourmet, I tell you what) and to say Corbin loved it would be an understatement. He wore it, for crying out loud. I think he ate his weight in the stuff and then he had leftovers for lunch. I had to take a picture. Enlarge it for the full effect. I'm still working on getting the stains out of the prized Disneyland shirt...

Last night we were just hanging out downstairs when the boys thought it would be fun to crawl in the bots-as Corbin calls it. Bridger was quick to point out that it is not a box but a tote. He's so proper sometimes.
Well, by the time I got the camera Bridger had had about all the fun he could stand but Corbin was willing to climb back in.
And Reagan joined in the fun
After Reagan was almost dumped out of the 'bots' Bridger decided he might want to be in a picture.

Today we went to the dentist. I love the dentist. Okay, I love the dentist that we go to and all the people who work there. It was fun to visit and catch up. It is hard to believe that I started working there over 12 years ago and it has been almost 9 years since I most recently worked there. Still most of the same great people. Just a few additions. The best part is that we had no cavities! Yay for us. The boys rode in the chair and Bridger let Jamie look at his teeth. Corbin still wasn't so sure. Fun times.

We are almost done with the first room re-do in our house. I'm excited. All we have left is to paint the bathroom. For the past couple of weeks we've been tearing the wallpaper off and washing the walls and all that fun stuff. I'll post pictures when we get it done. Nothing fancy, but a new coat of paint makes everything better...right?!

1 comment:

Tara Mogle said...

Hey we just went to the dentist on Wednesday. Yay! for no cavities...and a free kids meal at Red Robin! Your kids are adorable. And it's always so fun to finally be settled and start taking more pics. Maybe this summer we can get up your way?!?!?