Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Retirement

After 33 years of teaching my dad has decided to retire. Last night we went to the little get together that they had at Urie Elementary, where he's taught for the past 17 or so years. It was fun to see so many people that he has worked with over the years. He's going to be trying his hand at a couple of other jobs now. I'm sure retirement won't completely set in until fall when he won't be going to school for the first time in many, many years.
Congratulations, Dad! We love you.


mom/Janet said...

I wish we lived closer so that we could have been there to celebrate. It's always nice to recognize those who have given but geesh...... how is that my brother is already old enough to retire. Yikes! Anyway, Congratulations to Mike.

Brittany said...

happy day! i'm sure he had fun seeing all the people he's worked with over the last 33 years. i hope some of his old students showed up to celebrate. :)

what an accomplishment!

ps - if i were on the same schedule, it'd be another 30.5 years before i got to retire. how depressing...

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure he's been at Lyman since 1981 but close enough. It was fun to see you guys, I like this whole living a lot closer thing where we get to see you guys lots. :) By the way your house looks like it'll be fun
love ya

Collette said...

Andrea-he has been in Lyman district since 1981, but teaching at Urie for the past 17ish years.