Thursday, March 25, 2010

change is in the air

Three pretty significant things are going on around here.

1. I am "hosting" a catalog/internet Pampered Chef party. This is big because I don't do things like that. I'll be honest, the main reason is because I wanted a trifle bowl at the party that I went to last week. When I discovered that if I hosted a party, and people ordered a certain amount of stuff, I could get it for half price I decided to give it a go. So...anyone want to order something? It is supposed to be set up so you can order online but I was having trouble with it. I'll post the link when it is available. In the mean time, if you're local and would like to help my cause out, I have catalogs and order forms. Feel free to call, stop by, or email and I'll get them to you. If you're not local but familiar with pampered chef shoot me an email or call if you would like things. Great for Mother's day gifts or Weddings this spring/summer! There, that is my sales pitch.

2. Reagan is cutting her first 2 teeth. Wow! She has been chomping on stuff for a couple of months and so I was surprised when she had the first one pop up a couple of days ago. Tooth #2 is not far behind. I can feel it today. She doesn't seem old enough to be getting teeth. The time goes faster and faster with each child. Amazing. She is a trooper and hasn't been too cranky through out it all. I've been slipping her a little Tylenol when she seems a little uncomfortable for no reason. I think she likes that.

3. We put an offer on a house...and it was accepted! Yup, we're buying a house. Because of funding it is a fast sale and we will be closing in 2 weeks! We're excited. There is a lot of work to be done, cosmetic stuff like wallpaper and painting, so we should be busy for the next few years. HA! There is plenty of room for all of us and our stuff without being squished. That is the best feeling.

Three completely unrelated, yet significant in their own way, things going on in our lives. Keeps it interesting around here.


Abbie said...

Dude, I LOVE Pampered Chef! You should send a little email to my mom. :) I will look and see if we can get something. Sadly, Scott got after me today (in a nice way though) because we're already over our budget for March. *Sigh* I hate money sometimes.

Sharla said...

Congrats on the new house! I'm glad you found something you liked. Good luck with the move.

Emily K. said...

Congratulations on the new house!! Yay for more room! I like Pampered Chef, but, can't afford it. Those trifle bowls are beautiful. Good luck!

Brittany said...

happy day! that's great news about a new house! are you nervous about being a home owner at all? i think i would be a little nervous.

mom/Janet said...

Wow, you've made the next step of buying your own house. You know what the next step is - - - - kids start school and then start leaving home. You'll be old before you know it. Have fun with the house. Exciting times.

Anonymous said...

So exciting! I want to see pictures!!

Ben-O is getting some teeth, too, I think. At least I like to blame his crankiness on that! Reagan is absolutely adorable. I think she looks SO MUCH like you!

Jeanna said...

Congrats on the house, we'll expect pics soon.

The ONLY reason I've ever done the PC parties is bc I want stuff cheaper.

I like having friends and doing the party, but I it when my friends feel pressure to buy when they come over. I like that you are doing an online party instead. Wish I had some extra dough, love PC stuff.