Sunday, January 24, 2010

Time with Dad

Tying flies with Brent.
These boys love their dad.

I think this is just a classic picture.
Don't most kids have one like this with their dad?


Jeanna said...

I have TONS of sleeping kid/dad photos. I love those! And I like to tease H. that there are none with me and a sleeping baby....because that almost never, ever happened! :)

Emily K. said...

I'm pretty impressed that Bridger is balancing so perfectly on that exercise ball. He must have a tight tushie!! Yes, boys love spending time with Dad. Soon, your little girly will be right there, too. I get pushed aside when Daddy comes home. It's not so bad, though. I like the break! Why is it that Dads can always sleep with the babies on them? I get so nervous that I will fall asleep, and drop them, that I can't sleep when holding my babies. I'm a little paranoid!