Sunday, January 17, 2010

just stuff

I have totally unrelated stuff on my mind and no interruptions. So here I go:

Brent has been working nights and I've been trying to survive. For some reason nights are really hard when he is away. When he is home he usually wrestles withe the boys until bed time and then they go to bed. I'm kind of a stick in the mud and don't love to wrestle on the floor with the boys...I know, I'm a lame mom. Anyway, that leaves us finding things to do for the evening hours. Usually we have movie parties that end with children sleeping. Last night was one of those nights. They were so tired because they hadn't had a nap and were up pretty early. Bridger thought he was clever to have the blanket on his head. He was asleep about 3 minutes later.

I have to admit that I was dreading church today. The past 2 weeks have ended with us leaving Sacrament meeting early and 3 extremely tired/hungry children and an ornery mommy. If I hadn't been in charge of sharing time I would have given up and stayed home (Brent was sleeping because he's on nights). I was not in the mood to deal with everything that goes along with three small children at church and no husband/dad to help. But...we went. I threatened them with big fat spankings when they got home if they were naughty in Sacrament meeting. I might have to do that every week because it worked...or something did. Bridger went right to his seat and sat down. Corbin booked it for nursery without me and was sorely disappointed that his teachers weren't there yet. Meanwhile, Bridger is continuing to be reverent in primary. To make a long story short: Grandma Welling kept Reagan through all the meetings and then a sweet lady in our ward held her most of Sacrament meeting. Sharing time went off pretty well. I felt like the kids actually got it. There were no freak-out moments in Sacrament meeting by the children or me. We stayed the entire time and everyone was HAPPY when we got home. It was a good day for church in the Lake home. Finally. Only one more week on our own and then Stake Conference (I'm not even going there by myself), and then Brent will be here for a month. Hallelujah!

I guess that is all for tonight. I can't remember what else I was thinking about.


Jeanna said...

I like to lure little children to me with promises of candy and cookies during sacrament meeting. I'm sure I'm teaching them something very, very bad (taking candy from strangers), but so far it's working like a charm, because I seem to have a toddler on my lap most Sundays. I totally dig it! I'm glad you found some help this week....what a relief!

Anonymous said...

I'll be feeling your pain next month. Jason will be gone nearly all of February, so there's a few Sundays that I'll be flying solo with the kids. I'm terrified! It's nice to hear a success story. Maybe all three of my children actually will survive.

Abbie said...

I'm glad you wrote about this. It seems like no one ever mentions an inkling of motherhood difficulties on their blogs and it's just nice to read that at least one other person in the world has frustrations!! :) Granted, you have two more children than I do but it's refreshing. Hopefully posting about it helped refreshen you!

Emily K. said...

Yes, church with 3 kids is definitely a challenge. Tristan is at the age when I can't actually sit through any of church. I am just walking the halls with him, or wrestling him in the seat. Sometimes I wonder why I even go. Because I come home stressed, exhausted, and not spiritually uplifted at all! Rohne gave a talk in Church yesterday, and he did such a good job, and he had the sweetest smile, and spirit with him, that it helped me to remember why we go. I can't imagine how you get through Sacrament Meeting alone!