Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weekly update

Our week wasn't exceptionally eventful. Wait, we did have quite a bit going on. Brent left for Rangely Colorado on Monday and came home Wednesday afternoon. He had to go into work Thursday to finish up his hours for the week. By the time he got off of work on Thursday it felt like he had been gone for a week.

To pass the time while he was away the kids and I went to my parents house Tuesday afternoon and stayed the night. It was nice to have some extra hands.

Thursday night the kids and I went to Nicole's choir concert. I was a little nervous about how they would do. We had a talk about how they were supposed to act and they did pretty well. Corbin just had to go out at the end when he just wanted to talk really loud. Not being naughty, just didn't know how to be quiet. Reagan was great through the whole thing and Bridger was happy to be sitting next to Braxton. Oh yeah, Nicole did a wonderful job.

Friday we went to Brent's work party. We weren't sure if we wanted to go or not but last minute decided to go. We sat with Mikal and Jenny, Alan and Kim, and Jim and Jill. They had a comedian come for the entertainment. I haven't laughed that hard for a while.

Bridger doesn't take naps regularly because he doesn't think he needs them. Last Sunday this is how he fell asleep. He still needs naps.

Corbin found one of Brent's old shoes and was having a great time trying to walk around the house with it. He kept trying to put both feet in one shoe and walk.

Saturday we cleaned and cooked and had a little bowl game party. Wyoming made it to a bowl for the first time in 5 years. That called for a little celebration. The best part is that they won! Bridger wasn't sure he wanted to cheer for the Cowboys yesterday(because he's been convinced that the Cougars are his team) but by the end (when it was in double overtime) he was just as excited as his dad and grandpa! GO POKES!

Yesterday Corbin was worn out by the middle of the game. He climbed up on the couch and promptly fell asleep.

The best news of the weekend is that Andrea and Jerame got engaged! We are so excited for them and can't wait for Jerame to officially join our family. Andrea found her perfect match and we like him too!

So there is our week. We are looking forward to Christmas and all the fun that comes with that. Mostly we're looking forward to Brent having 2 weeks off. Yahoooo!

I figured I should continue to keep this updated for my own personal information...even if no one looks at it anymore.


Abbie said...

LOL. I read your blog all the time. I know, it's lame that I don't leave comments... I get so frustrated by that. Comments show that I'm doing something right (in my mind's eye).

Anyway. We missed you Saturday. :( But I totally understand. You would not have found me there either had I been husbandless and with three children. But you were missed FYI.

And congrats to Andrea!

Tara Mogle said...

I miss you guys! Gosh dang it I wish we lived closer together. My boys would LOVE playing with your boys. I just know it!
Sounds like you have been busy. The boys are cute as ever! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!

jani said...

Every time you post, it comes up in my google reader... and I read your posts... I just don't comment all that often because it is SOOO much work to actually come to your blog and comment. Sorry.

I do love reading your posts because our boys are so in the same stages and it's nice to know I'm not the only one *grin* Plus, you have some pretty stinking cute crafty ideas you come up with!


Jenny Bebel said...

I love your blog so please keep it up you are about the only on that does anymore! Your pictures turn out cute that Tammy took. Can't wait to see you guys!

Tarrah said...

I love that Corbin can fall asleep anywhere...the best is that last photo of him with his back arched on the couch. So cute.

Emily K. said...

I look at your blog, too, all the time. You are very loved, and you've always done such a great job at keeping up with it. Congratulations to Andrea! How do you say her fiance's name? Like Jeremy?

Jeanna said...

I read your blog all the time, too. I missed you on Saturday as well. But, no husband and 3 kids? Nope, I would have bailed! :)

Tiffany said...

haha who convinced bridger to cheer for BYU... oh ya me and Brittany!! He's a dang smart kid for listening to us :) hahah and I just love your new pics!! they are super cute!!

Britt said...

Haha not sure where Bridger got the idea that the Cougars were better...oh yeah I remember now...haha!!! Wyoming did awesome in that game though! I love the pictures! They are way cute!