Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas pictures

Brent's cousin Tammy took our pictures a week ago. We were hoping for a great one for Christmas cards. She did a wonderful job. I just wish that we would have done a little better job smiling and/or looking natural. Oh well, what can you do. They didn't turn out too bad. At least the kids look cute in them.

The family. Wow! Hard to believe that there are five of us now.

After we did the family ones Bridger requested couple more of just him.
Then she offered to take some individual ones of the kids.
Reagan wasn't loving being out in the cold.

Reagan, tell us how you really feel about having your picture taken!

Corbin was hamming it up after he warmed up to the picture idea.

See what I mean?

Bridger just loves having his picture taken...anytime!

This was too cute not to post.

I've decided that getting 2 toddlers to pay attention to the camera at the same time is next to impossible.

So I got the top family one printed for our Christmas cards. If you get one and you're thinking that we look like we haven't seen the sun for about 2 years, well, you can thank Evanston's Wal-Mart photo lab. They're amazing with color...

*thanks for your reassurance that you look at my blog. Don't worry, my self worth doesn't depend totally on comments:) I am not the best commenter myself, so I shouldn't complain!I love my bloglines and actually going to a blog rarely happens!*


Emily K. said...

Those turned out great!! I really should have found someone to take our pictures as a family, but, I didn't. You guys look great. What a cute little family. I love the one of Reagan crying. Seems like some other baby I know. . . Her dress is absolutely adorable! Don't you just love dressing up girls? It's the funnest.

Jessica said...

I think they look great! I really like the last one with the boys holding Reagan. So cute!

Sharla said...

Cute pictures!! I love the one of Bridger looking at Corbin. And I think you look great in them too!

Abbie said...

Way cute. Love the colors. And my self worth does completely depend on blog comments so don't worry. ;)

Tasha said...

Thanks for your comment!

I didn't even know that you had a fun to catch up!
These family pictures are sooo cute. I am way jelous of your little girl. Maybe one day...

Right now I am just livin' it up in little boy land!

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

SO merry and so bright. I love your cute and growing family! :)Merry Christmas to you, my dear.

TM said...

A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E...Reagan's sad face is priceless. Brent's cousin did an amazing job on the photos, you are lucky to have such a talented photographer in the family:)

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Years!!!


alliehoopes said...

Such cute pictures! I come around here once in a while but apparently never comment either :) Today I came with a slight problem. I know your sister called me a couple days ago about pictures. I'm glad she mentioned she was your sister because my stupid phone's conked out and I can't get to the message or her number. I think she called again today but it wouldn't let me answer and now won't turn on. Sadly I've vowed (haha) to be done with weddings until my kids are bigger and I decide I want to spend lots more time on photography. Thanks for thinking of me though. I know I could not be a working mom because it's just too much to schedule! Teaching kindercamp is my extra thing for a while. Okay, now I sound like I'm giving excuses and rambling. Anyway, could you pass the message on to Andrea for me please and hopefully I'll find my replacement phone? Thanks.