Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One month old

Its hard to believe that our little missy is one month old (as of Sunday). These pictures are from Thursday when she was 4 weeks old.

I feel like I'm finally getting back into the swing of every day life. She is sleeping for about 4-5 hours at a time during the night which is really nice. I have let myself sleep in until the boys wake me up every morning so I am feeling pretty well rested, as well, these days. I can't complain.

For the first little while I felt like I was barely keeping my head above water and just surviving. Luckily we're starting to move beyond that point! I thought for sure I was prepared for a newborn because it didn't feel like it had been that long since Corbin was a baby. I think that is what totally threw me off. I didn't realize how good I had it with Corbin. Not that Reagan is bad, she just isn't quite the napper/sleeper/content to lay there baby that Corbin was. It took some adjusting of my attitude before I was ok with that. I finally came to the conclusion that 6wks-3 months of my life isn't that big of a sacrifice to make sure that she is taken care of and well adjusted. Since I decided this life has been much better.

We sure love our little sister. The boys have so much fun playing with her and making sure that she is happy. When she starts crying Bridger will say "Mom, hers is crying and I don't like that sound". She is starting to respond to us a little bit and almost smiles (she smiles {and even laughs} in her sleep all the time, its cute) when we talk to her.


Shae said...

she is just so adorable!! i can't believe it's been a month either! some days, i think "what have i got myself into" starting all over with the newborn stage...but it's oh, so worth it! i'm excited!! it's good to know that you're coming out of the trenches of that newborn stage with her. keep it up! you're amazing!

jani said...

Wow- time flies!! (For me at least since I don't have my sleep interrupted every night *grin*) But what is it with the 3rd thinking they can cry and be all high maintenance... not that I think you're saying Reagan is a terrible baby, but compared to my first two, my third also was MUCH more 'needy' than Bryson and Dallin... and not much has changed in the past 21 months... At least she's adorable!! Thinking of you!

Emily K. said...

She's a way cute baby. It's hard when you have other kids around huh. My kids hate to hear Tristan cry. Taylee is forever yelling at me, when he's crying: "What's he saying, Mommy? What does he want? Pick him up! Feed him! Where's his paci?" It makes me want to scream too.

You're doing such a great job, and I really admire you, and your mommy skills.