Friday, November 20, 2009

Christmas lights

Brent took advantage of the nicer weather and put up some Christmas lights. He spent about 3 long hours on the tall ladder and the roof only to discover that they blew a fuse every time we plugged them in. He is still trying to figure out the perfect way to get them to work.
Corbin was napping and Reagan was banished to the swing while I tried to help (who are we kidding, I was no help at all. I just stood and watched...and ran to Wal-mart when we ran out of lights, or broke them).
Bridger was a good helper. He had fun taking the "bad" part off of the light holders and sorting the "good" parts and "bad" parts into piles. The bad parts were just an extra part that snaps off and gets in the way.
So we're half way there. We still need to put our yard decorations up.

In other news:
Yesterday was a fun day. Brent and I dropped the boys off at his mom's house and headed to Utah. I had a postpartum appointment and then it was shopping, shopping, shopping. We tried to knock out a big chunk of our Christmas shopping without the boys around. It worked. Reagan was a little trooper and barely made a peep all day long.
After we were shopped out we headed to my good friend Melissa Cox's wedding reception. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. We are so excited for her and Isaac. She couldn't have found a better guy to marry. So that was fun.
We headed home, dropped off the loot, picked the boys up, and headed home. Brent went straight to bed and I got the kids in bed and then headed off myself. It didn't last long. Reagan has been so congested the past few weeks and the past two nights have been horrible. She can barely sleep because it is so hard for her to breathe. I got her into the doctor and discovered that she has an ear infection. Awesome. Nothing makes you feel like a great parent like two kids with ear infections (I took Corbin in on Monday with the same result). Hopefully with the antibiotic they'll get feeling better and we'll all be happier around here.
Now I'm off to finish cleaning our house that looks like a cyclone hit it. Wish me luck!!


Emily K. said...

Look at you getting into the holiday spirit, and all. Good luck on the cyclone. I'm sitting here, while it still swirls around me. Ear infections are the worst. Hope your little ones feel better soon. It's sad to put a baby so young on Antibiotics, huh? I felt the same way when Tristan got his first ear infection. You try your best to keep all sickness away, but it always finds them.

Brittany said...

wyatt and i had the opportunity to shop for all his coworker's kids at his old job (for the company christmas party). it was so much fun shopping for kids! it's interesting how christmas takes on a new light as you get older.

ps - i miss the BLUE BLUE skies of the mountain west! they rarely get that blue here.