Thursday, October 15, 2009

They need a mother...

Not a martyr.

I was reading through the Oprah magazine that my mom bought me to help me relax and this is the advice that Dr. Phil gave to a woman who wrote in complaining that motherhood is hard because there is no time left for herself after taking care of her family. He told her to be their mother and take care of them, because that is what they need; not someone who is feeling sorry for herself. Or something like that. I'm too lazy to go get the magazine.

I'm trying to remember this as I am taking care of my kids this week while Brent is hunting. I'm trying to find at least one activity that is one on one time with the boys so they aren't watching cartoons all day long. Yesterday we played with all their board games and today we're making cookies!

*Edit* So much for me being strong and not feeling sorry for myself. As soon as Brent called I burst into front of the boys. Made Brent feel bad, the whole deal. It did feel good to have a good cry and get my feelings out. One good thing about today is that I turned the TV off and the boys didn't even care. They got their toys out, played with each other, ate all their dinner, took a nice long bath, it was great. So I guess I'll try again tomorrow. Thanks for the words of encouragement.


Amanda and Kalon Downing said...

your such a cute mom. Let me know if I need to come and get your boys and give you a break, I seriously would love to or I can sit with them, My kids would love to play with them. I want to come see your little girl, she is such a doll. I know how hard it is when the hubby is away hunting, but I guess they deserve it. Lets take a girls night out one day, I have talked to Dana sidwell, Amanda larsen and and Malona, and We need to get together and have lunch. Seriously I will let you know when I am in town and I can spell you if you want!

Jeanna said...

You are super mom in my book. I'd definitely be feeling sorry for myself if my husband was gone one week after I gave birth. But, I imagine those pioneer women and Native American women....never complaining, doing what needed to be done.

I'm proud of you for being so brave and for being so great with your kids!

Shae said...

wow...seriously...didn't you just have a baby?!? it's totally okay for them to watch cartoons all day long while brent's hunting! now, maybe if your baby was a year old and you were still using that excuse everyday...that would be a problem! :) anyway, you are a super-mom, and you are such an inspiration to me!!

Jeanna said...

I shouldn't say this, but it made me feel better that you cried. I was seriously wondering what kind of steel you were made of!

Can't wait to meet the new one. Hmmm.....a wedding perhaps?

Emily K. said...

So, I've decided that I am going to stop reading your blog posts, and Facebook status updates. Because you are AMAZING! 3 has been so hard for me, and you are making it seem like a breeze. I must just be a whiner, and very pathetic. I seriously didn't leave the house with 3 kids for like a month. And, I didn't have a C-Section, and my mom stayed forever. You're my inspiration. Keep up the good work. My husband was not hunting, but, when I had Tristan he was playing Softball two times during the week, and then all day Saturday. Being a single mom is hard! Keep up the good work.