Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Slowing down

Things are starting to slow down a bit around here. As much as they ever can with a new baby in the house...
We've had a lot of help the past couple of days. My mom stayed from Saturday afternoon until yesterday and my dad came over both days. Susan, Brent's mom, has been here to check on things and of course having Brent around is always nice (he had to go back to work on Saturday night).
I'm feeling pretty good. As long as I keep the pain meds in me I'm good to go! I was able to go all night last night without taking anything in the middle of the night. Small progress, but I'll take what I can get at this point!
Here are a few pictures of what our home has been like lately.

Reagan gets her hair washed every day. She doesn't seem to mind. She completely relaxes as soon as the warm water hits her head. I think she will be all girl!

Grandma Timperly has come over a few times to visit.

The boys love their Grandma Hamblin. They were sad boys when she (and Grandpa) went home last night.

Grandpa getting to hold Reagan.

Sweet sleeping baby.
She's getting better at sleeping all the time.

Just a few quick things:
  • I took Reagan to the doctor yesterday and she is already back at her birth weight. I'm not really surprised because she loves to eat. Loves it. It is hard to keep her full. We bought some formula to supplement her with so hopefully we can keep her satisfied.
  • She is taking her first nap while laying in her bed. She has had to learn how to sleep when no one is holding her.
  • The boys are adjusting really well. They both really like the baby and always make sure she is ok.
  • My experience at McKay-Dee was wonderful. The nurses were great and took good care of me and Reagan. I was so grateful that they were willing to take her all night and even give her a bottle once a night so I could sleep a little bit more. Most of them were moms and understood how nice it was to have a break.
  • I learned that I have a high tolerance for pain. I didn't know that I did, but every nurse that I had commented on it. I even had one think I was crazy for going home after 48 hours. Apparently the norm is 4 days...3 if you are doing REALLY well. I've never stayed that long for a c-section.
  • Dr. Marriott is even funnier than I thought. I'm sure if he's delivered any of your babies you've had the privilege of hearing his stories...if not, ask me sometime and I'll give you a sampling. He is so laid back and relaxed its crazy.
  • This was the first c-section that while laying on the operating table I questioned my desire to have any more children. It was uncomfortable. I was shivering uncontrollably and felt nauseous at the same time. Not fun.
I think that is everything that I've been wanting to write down. I hate these first few weeks after having a baby, waiting for everything to fall into routine and feel normal. I just have to remember to be patient and let everything work itself out. Eventually lugging three kids around and keeping my house clean and getting a good nights sleep will happen again. Not sure when, but it will. Its nothing that millions of families haven't done before (I have to remind myself of that with every child)!


Abbie said...

I was so glad to see an update on your blog! I didn't care for the first few weeks after Ella either... they were soooo hard. But I only had one and you have three so I'm not complaining. Too bad moms can't stay forever huh.

Emily K. said...

Good for you for keeping such a positive attitude, Collette. I'm still waiting for that. She is such a beautiful baby. My baby still doesn't go to sleep without someone holding him. I think I make myself crazy!! Look at her just holding that paci in her mouth!! Such a good girl. I wish mine would have taken one. Good luck recovering. I'm always thinking about you.