Friday, October 02, 2009

Odds 'n' ends

Just a couple of quick things:
  • I called McKay-Dee hospital to confirm what I had heard on the news. It is true, there are no children, under 14, allowed in the maternity part of the hospital. Yes, this includes my own children. I understand why (avoid the spreading of flu-every strain) and am fine with it, I will just miss seeing them. That means about 4 whole days without my boys. That is officially the longest we will have been apart. I hope everyone involved survives (me, them, my parents).
  • I took Corbin to the doctor this morning because he has had a croupy cough, runny nose, been pulling at his ears, and just generally grouchy lately (speaking of keeping babies healthy). I wanted to make sure he was on the mend by the time this baby got here. Of course he is just croupy when we get there. His lungs sounded good, no fever, first ear is fine, and then BINGO- second ear has a raging infection. The doctor even told me good job for picking up on it. So antibiotics and a stronger steroid for the nebulizer should get him back to my normal happy boy in a few days.
  • When I went to the doctor yesterday he did my entire ultrasound while talking on his cell phone negotiating a car purchase. If you know Dr. Marriott, it might not surprise you. He is a funny guy. In between saying "that is the car I want" he would point out the heart beat, fluid, head, etc. making sure I could see everything. Glad it was my last appointment and not the first.


Abbie said...

I wonder if the hospital is always like that (with the rules) or just this year because of the flu. Sad but I liked what Jeanna said on facebook... no worries about other sick kids possibly infecting your own. Hilarious doctor/ultrasound story!!

Hansen Family said...

That is so Dr. Marriott. Thats awesome.

Melea said...

I Love Dr. Marriott. Cathy (in his office) was my midwife and I saw Dr. Marriott a few times. And he broke my water. He also delivered all four of my best friend's babies. He's so funny. I just love their office and staff :) Good Luck with everything.