Sunday, October 04, 2009


So I didn't get to see much of conference this time. I know I missed some great talks, but I recorded it so I can go back and listen.

Three topics hit home and seemed to be what I needed to hear.

1. Pres. Monson's talk about service this morning. I love how he made the point that we shouldn't assume someone else is going to do what we thought of. I am constantly thinking of things I should do for people and then life gets in the way and I think, oh, they're ok. They probably wouldn't even notice if I did that anyway, and I go on with life. I really want to try to act on those thoughts and try to serve people more, especially my family. Brent and I were talking about it and he had a good point. He said there is no reason for us not to serve people more. How often are we just sitting around doing things that don't really matter? True, true. So I will try to follow the prophet's counsel and serve others.
2. Elder Holland's talk. Wow. Last year about the atonement and this year about the Book of Mormon. I resolved to be much better about reading the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. How, after that testimony, can you not have the desire to know for yourself of the truthfulness of that book? I loved it.
3. I can't even remember who gave the talk, but he spoke about not letting your heart be hardened by letting daily prayer and scripture study fall by the wayside. I need to teach my boys by example why these seemingly little things are so important. I want them to have the desire to learn from the scriptures and to pray daily. I want our home to be full of softened hearts.


Abbie said...

It was great wasn't it!? Scott and I took turns watching Ella (and listening) in the living room while the other got to be in the bedroom alone and listening. It was nice but I too missed some great talks. LOVED the heart one this afternoon and the talk on love this morning by Pres. Eyring.

Brittany said...

i love conference because it seems to speak to us individually. i seemed to notice a repeated message on love, obedience and service this whole weekend. i too loved what president monson said about not being too busy for service. it should come first. how true it is.

hope you comfortably enjoy your last few days!

K'Lyn said...

You are so good. Ditto on the sofened hearts! I am glad you shared your thoughts. I miss our talks.