Thursday, October 08, 2009

BABY REAGAN!!! :) she is FIVE pounds fifteen ounces and eighteen inches!!! :)


Jenny Bebel said...

She is so cute!!!! congrats love ya wish I was there to hold her!!!

Tara Mogle said...

CONGRATS!!! She is beautiful! Hope you are all doing well.

Emily K. said...

She is so tiny and beautiful!! Congrats, Congrats, Congrats! I love the the red hair, and lots of it! Good luck in the recovery, hope everything went well.

Melea said...

Soooo sweet. What a Dolly :) Congrats :)

Jessica said...

She is so adorable! Congrats!

Emily said...

Exciting news!! Glad everything went well! :)

Jeanna said...

Welcome Baby Reagan! So glad you made it safe and sound. Get lots of rest, Collette!!!

Christy said...

She is absolutely beautiful!! Congrats. I love your name choice. I happened to vote for that name. So I am a big fan. I can't wait to see you guys again.

Shae said...

she is so beautiful!! congrats!!! love her name, too! how did everything go, and how are you feeling?!?

Candy said...

So stinking cute! Love that hair! And they have really stepped up their bow inventory since I last had a girl!
She looks like Corbin to me, and I love the name.
Hope you are feeling well!

(my security code is 'blesses')

Bursell Family said...

Congartulations. She is a doll..and so tiny. It's hard to believe Paisley was that little (minus an ounce!!). Hope you all are feeling well. Let us know if you need anything. I'd love to take the boys if you need a nap or need to run to the grocery store!

Abbie said...

Oh, that's almost Ella's size! (5lbs 11oz, 17 inches) I loved having a little baby! :) She's so cute! love the hair!

Sharla said...

Adorable! Look at that hair! I love her name. Congratulations!

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

Hurray!!! SHe's darling!! Congrats you two, and to the 2 protective big brothers. :) She'll be spoiled rotten. :)

Cassie said...

So cute!! Love the name. I agree did you do the bow or did they because they did step up the bows in the hospital if they did!

mom/Janet said...

Congratulations. She's a darling baby. I love the name. HOpe all continues to go well.

Brittany said...

happy day! baby reagan is so cute! all that hair! so tiny! congratulations on the newest member of the lake family. i'm happy for you!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!!! Madilyn's best little buddy's name is Reagan. I love that name - good choice. Enjoy your little bundle of joy and all of the pink, princess, and fairy stuff, etc....that comes along with her.

Love ya and can't wait to see you again.


Anonymous said...

I just visited your blog and forgot when you were to deliver so a nice surprise. Congrats on your beautiful new little girl. When I was born I weighed 2 ozs. less than your babe but otherwise the same.

I got two new grandbabies in the last three months (both girls). Yeah for girls!!!!

Love ya,