Saturday, October 10, 2009

...And we're home!

We made it home today all safe and sound. Reagan is doing great. I'll let the pictures do the talking!

Brand New!

Getting acquained with Mom and Dad

...and Grandma, Nicole, and Julie

Just relaxin' getting used to being here.

Andrea and Jerame came to visit.

Jackie visiting

Ready to head home

Meeting the boys for the first time.

Her brothers (with Grandma and Grandpa's help) brought her some fun presents. Here they are delivering them.

Kissing her toes. The pediatrician at the hospital told us to have her brothers "kiss her toes, not her nose" to keep from spreading germs. It was cute to see the boys do this.

We're all happy to be home and adjusting to how everything goes. The boys have warmed up to her pretty well.


Jenny Bebel said...

Congrats! She is so cute! I love the picture of corbin pointing at reagan he looks like he is so excited to see her.

Emily K. said...

She's just beautiful, Collette. Welcome to the wonderful world of 3 kids, and sleepless nights! Try to get some rest, and enjoy her. They grow so fast!

Anonymous said...

Colette, she is so cute. Please let me know if i can help in any way.
When do you think you will bless her, I will get busy and finish the blanket for her.
Love ya Jill

Tara Mogle said...

She is beautiful! And I am thinking you have a very wise pediatrician! I bet the boys just love having her around.

The LaMont Family said...

She is so cute!! I am missing the newborn cuddle stage already! What a doll.

Christy said...


Tarrah and Eric said...

Congrats Collette and family, she is adorable.

Look at all that hair!

sorensens said...

Congrats! She is so cute. I love love the hair. Good luck with three.

The Borman Family said...

Oh I just decided to check really quick and see if the baby is here. She is DARLING! I bet you guys are so excited to have a little princess! Brent looks so thin! You look so great! You always do after having a baby. I wasn't so lucky. The boys are huge and I just miss you guys so much! I hope everything goes great and that everyone in the house can stay healthy so Reagan does not catch any of the crazy viruses going around. Is Andrea dating someone? Good luck with Le Bebe! I will try and call you soon. I would love to catch up!

Becky said...

She's a doll! I'm glad everything went well and that you and her are healthy! Take Care and have fun with your 3 cute, little kids!

Cyn said...

Congrats, she is truly beautiful!!