Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Here are some of the projects I've been working on over the past couple of weeks.
  • Two Christmas signs
  • Bottling: pears, grape juice, peaches, whole tomatoes, tomato juice, chili sauce (Brent and his Grandma did that one)
  • Sewing some Christmas cloth books
  • Sewing a little skirt for the baby's Halloween costume
  • Finishing a girl I-spy bag

Today is a little bit chilly and so Brent requested cinnamon rolls. I was feeling ambitious and agreed. I don't know why I think I can make these. They never turn out. I'm giving up after this batch. They don't look so bad, but they are quite heavy. I think I used too much flour. Next time Brent wants some cinnamon rolls he's going to have to make them. They can't turn out any worse than mine always do! Oh well, it was worth a try and they don't taste that bad.

I think final preparations for the baby are about done (are you sick of hearing about me getting ready for this baby?) Today I washed the car seat and bouncy chair all up. Just need to pack a diaper bag and get a car seat cover and I think we're ready to go! Sweet, because I have a lot of other non-baby related things to do in the next few days.


Candy said...

wow, look at you! DARLING christmas signs and baby skirt! so cute!

I wish I had canned as many things as you, that is fantastic!

Shae said...

wow! look at you go! those last few days are always the craziest trying to get everything together! in a way, it makes me kinda jealous that you get to have a newborn!! my baby is 13 months old now...definitely not a newborn!

Jessica said...

Hey can you tell me how to make the I spy bag?

Kasi French said...

Nesting?! So cute ... adorable!