Thursday, September 24, 2009


So Brent started his first shift of nights tonight. Everything was going great until we were just about to finish our bedtime routine. It was like a light went on in Bridger's head and he realized that Dad wasn't coming home before bedtime. Let the water-works begin! He cried and cried and cried that he wanted his daddy. I said, I'm still here, don't you like me? His oh so cute response was "Daddy is my best buddy and I like you too". Luckily at that very moment Brent called so that he could do his usual ABC's and counting with them before they went to sleep. It all worked out perfectly and both boys are sleeping soundly in their beds...thank goodness! I wasn't sure I could handle two boys sleeping with me tonight! I'm hoping that tomorrow goes a little bit smoother. I never would have guessed that Brent going back to work would be such an adjustment for ALL of us.

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