Monday, April 15, 2013

Family moments

So I don't have a bunch of new pictures. I should take more pis of the everyday-ness in our home.
We have been dealing with a temperamental spring and I think the kids are itching to get outside and run and play. Instead they are doing it in my house. The noise level is raising to all time highs. I hope we all survive. We will.
Tonight the kids were driving me crazy as I was trying to clean up dinner and make a treat for FHE. I told them to use their imaginations...even better, go plan FHE. So they all ran down stairs and hatched a plan. They decided open the prayers, songs, lesson, and games. It was wonderful. They paid attention so much better when they planned it. Imagine that!!

We had a great weekend. My mom came and spent most if the day with us. First she watched the kids while I ran 7.5 miles (go me!) and then she made them lunch and visited before heading to a book signing at the library. We went and checked out the library while she was there and then she came home with us and had dinner. We sent her home in a spring storm and hunkered down for the night! It's always fun to have grandma here to visit. We missed grandpa because he was driving bus.

I think that is about all we have going on. I'll include some pictures just for fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your family!!
Hope you guys can get outside soon. Its been cold here too but hey the sun is still shining. Love you