Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Not ketchup, although we love that stuff at our house. Wow, I am really struggling to keep this little space of mine up to date.

We haven't had anything major going on. Just regular every day stuff...which is great! I love that. Brent is still not back to work. He is approved to go back on light duty but his bosses seem to be having a hard time finding some "light duty" jobs. Whatever, as long as we still get a pay check we won't question their motives too much-yet!

These are the last two pictures from January that I have. Brent might have more on his phone. I'll have to check.
This little boy is amazing. His emotions are intense. He is so funny and always has us laughing. Just the other day I had to post twice on facebook about his sayings. The first was when he was telling us about our hearts "beeping". He has always said that but it still makes me smile. He continued on about how when people die their hearts don't beep anymore...and why is that, etc. A whole conversation about beeping hearts.
Later that night he didn't want his dinner at all. Fine. You will be hungry. We did the whole routine. After dinner was all cleaned up I was getting ready for family home evening and he climbed up on my lap and said: Why did you guys do that? me: what? him: Make a dinner that no kids like. That was mean! He was really broken hearted about it.
He can be the most loving kid in the world and with the same passion he can be mad at the world! Oh to be almost four and trying to figure life out...and have a little sister that pesters you.

He's getting pretty tough too! I think he may be our wrestler. He loves to wrestle like Bridger likes to play basketball! This day he pinned Bridger down and was holding him there. I think they were laughing so hard at each other. I didn't get my camera fast enough to take the in the moment picture. But you get the idea.
It still makes my heart happy to see them play together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Corbin is HIIIILarious!! I love hearing all about these guys.
Thanks for the smiles.