Thursday, January 19, 2012

11 months

Eleven months! Where has the time gone?! It seems like I was just lamenting that I couldn't shake my post-pregnancy haze. Here I am almost a year later loving our little almost toddler. He is so much fun.

He still naps like a champ. Twice a day like clock work. Well, except for yesterday. I'm hoping that was a fluke. The above picture is what his room looks like after a nap if anything is left within his reach. He was so proud of his mess on this day. I love walking in to get him up. He will be in his own world (usually standing up waiting to be rescued from the crib) and when he sees us his whole face lights up and he starts bouncing. Love it.
He has sworn off baby food. He is on a regular food diet. I am a little worried that he will lose some weight because of the transition. He does really well and will usually eat what we are eating. Now if I could wean him off of his bottle...I'm hoping that in the next month he starts to do that on his own. The transition to water in a sippy cup to go to bed might be a shock!!

A lot of the time he is content with what is going on around him. We found him sitting by the back doors just watching the cars, or birds, or whatever was outside. It was so cute to see him so content. The one thing that he does more than I remember the other kids doing is hanging on to our pant legs. I think that is how he will learn to walk. Seriously. He loves to pull himself up on Brent or my pants. I'm really surprised he hasn't been stepped on more!
Hudson loves to be wherever the kids are and he isn't afraid to get in and wrestle around with them. He puts up with a lot from his big sister. He is quick to smile and loves to clap, especially when someone says YAY!
It is kind of strange to think that in one month we will be past the baby stage in our lives. It was a fast stage lasting only 5.5 years. Bring on the next one. We're ready!!


Anonymous said...

I love this kid too!! man you guys makes good ones!! :) Haha seriously I think he's the happiest ever. I can't believe he'll be one soon.

K'Lyn said...

I thought my life was going fast. I think yours is going faster! I cannot believe you have 4 kids too. They are adorable. Miss you. Come and see us!